Day to Day Information
The School Day
Please see below for the timings of our school day, along with drop off and collection points.
Nursery Total Weekly Hours = 30 hours
Year Reception to Year 6 Total Weekly Hours = 32.5 hours
Year Group |
Start Time |
Entrance Point |
Finish Time |
Exit point |
Nursery (am session) |
09:00 |
Nursery Exit (Brattan Road) |
12:00 |
Nursery Exit (Brattan Road) |
Nursery (pm session) |
12:30 |
Nursery Exit (Brattan Road) |
15:30 |
Nursery Exit (Brattan Road) |
Reception |
08:50 |
KS2 Playground (Reception Gate) |
15:30 |
KS2 Playground (Reception Gate) |
KS1 |
08:50 |
KS1 Playground |
15:30 |
KS1 Playground
KS2 |
08:50 |
KS2 Playground |
15:30 |
KS2 Playground
** Registration from 9:00am - 9:10am**
School Uniform
Please find below details of our school uniform. Items of school clothing can either display the school logo or can be plain, both are acceptable.
If you would like to purchase items of uniform with the school badge, please order this at the uniform shop in Birkenhead, Please click here for more information.
The school uniform can be purchased without the badge from your preferred retailer.
Some second hand uniforms can be sourced for free using Wirral FUSS (Free UniformS for Schools), please click here for more information.
All year options:
White shirt, either long or short sleeved or white polo shirt
Grey/ black trousers
Grey/ black skirt
Grey/ black pinafore
Red jumper, with or without the badge
Red cardigan, with or without the badge
Summer Term (OPTIONAL items):
Uniform should be worn as above, but the following options may be worn instead:
White polo shirt with or without the badge
Grey/ black shorts
Red check dress
PE Kit:
- Plain white t-shirt – no branded items
- Navy or black shorts/ skorts/ leggings/ joggers – no branded items
- Navy/ black/ red hooded sweatshirt (no branded items) or school cardigan/ sweatshirt or jumper
- Black or dark trainers/ pumps
- Swim wear kit which is suitable for a swimming lesson, i.e. full one-piece costume/trunks
In the interest of health and safety, and to enable good standards of housekeeping, we ask all parents to minimise their child's belongings that they bring into school. The following items will be sufficient for every child:
A coat
A book bag
A PE bag
A water bottle
A small lunch box (if required)
We ask that all of the items above and all uniform are labelled with your child's name.
There are no requirements for pupils to bring a pencil case or stationary as this is provided by the school.
Following a consultation with all members of our school community in May 2022, our policy was amended to reflect this consultation, along with any statutory requirements relating to school uniform. Please click here to read our amended school uniform policy.
Early Years School Uniform
In Nursery and Reception, we believe that children learn and develop best when they feel safe, secure and comfortable. Therefore, we have a relaxed and practical approach to uniform in early years that allows children to move freely, climb and explore yet maintain a sense of belonging and community.
- White Polo Shirt (school logo optional)
- Black or navy jogging bottoms/ leggings/shorts
- Red hoody (school logo optional)
- Dark or black trainers ( velcro fastening only)
- Warm, weatherproof coat
- Wellington boots
School Meals
Our School meals are delivered fresh daily. Through Edsential we bring a fresh and energetic approach to providing top quality meals at lunchtime.
Please click here to see our fantastic three week menu.
School Milk
All children, from Foundation to Year 6, can have school milk if you so wish. Milk is free to children up to the age of 5 but beyond that age there is a charge unless your child is entitled to means tested Free School Meals.
If you wish for your child to have milk, please click here and create an account to order and pay for your milk.
If you believe you are entitled to free school milk, please check at the school office to ensure you are registered and eligible for free school meals.
Before & After School Clubs
Toast Club
Toast Club opening times: 8:00am - 8:50am
All children need to be in by 8:30am
Children can choose from a wide range of healthy cereals, fruit juice, toast and bagels.
Fee: £1.00 per session
All payments of fees must be paid on a daily basis or at the end of each week.
For more information, or to see if there is availability for your child, please contact school and speak to Mrs Baldwin. Children can only be accepted if we have their names down prior to arriving at school.
After School Club Activities
All activities will take place either in the main school or the Sports Hall between 3.30pm and 4.30pm.
All children will have an allocated area for collection, usually the KS1 play ground or Sports Hall, please check on the letter to see where this is. Children should be collected promptly at the allocated time.
Letters for clubs will be sent out electronically, however a paper copy can be requested through the main office by clicking here. Places at clubs will be allocated on a 'first come' basis.
Alternatively, you can book a place for your child in our Autumn 1 After School Clubs by clicking the Google forms below:
Reception and KS1 Multi Skills Club: Monday 9th September - Monday 21st October
Key Stage 2 Dance Club: Thursday 12th September - Thursday 24th October
Key Stage 2 Football Club: Thursday 12th September - Thursday 24th October
** N.B. Clubs can be subject to change. Parents will be notified of these changes with as much notice as possible. **