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Christ Church CE Primary School

'With God,
all things are possible' (Matthew 19:26)

Family Support and Help


Familytoolbox.co.uk is a free online hub to help Wirral families be the strongest they can be. It has been designed with families across Wirral and has loads of information about everyday family life to share, to help boost your confidence and skills and develop that vital bounce-back ability, so that you can weather life’s storms:

  • Find loads of tried and tested tips on parenting, looking after yourself and life as a family; 
  • Introduce yourself to people and places who can give you a bit of support;
  • Find out what’s on in Wirral for you and your family;
  • Take space to reflect on what’s going on at home and what you’d like to change;
  • Save your family’s favourite ideas, resources and places to your own Toolbox.


Wirral Info Bank is a complete guide to all of the services available locally to help with the cost of living. mental and physical health, access to jobs, education and training and help for young people. For further information, please click on the icon above, or telephone  0151 666 5050.                                                                                   

 If you are struggling with gas and electricity bills or debt and use a pre-payment meter, you can request a fuel voucher from Wirral council by clicking here or telephoning 0151 666 5050.

If you pay by direct debit, you can ask for help from Citizen's Advice Wirral, to reduce energy or water related debt. By clicking on the icon to the left or telephoning 08082 78 78 48.


Energy Projects Plus offers free advice on reducing your energy bills including available grants. Free home energy visits are available for those on income related benefits or a household income below £31k. The same households can receive free A-rated white goods (washing machines, fridges, freezers and electric cookers), where an old inefficient appliance needs to be replaced. To see if you qualify, please click on the link on the right or telephone 0800 043 0151 for further information.


If you are still unable to find the support you need, try contacting your local councillors, by clicking here.