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Christ Church CE Primary School

'With God,
all things are possible' (Matthew 19:26)

Online Safety

Our children are growing up in a digital age. There are many exciting and wonderful experiences and tools that can be found online. However, there are risks, just as there are in the real world. Keeping up with the latest technology and ensuring it is used safely is a challenge for schools and parents alike. 

Here at Christ Church, we regard safety on the internet as incredibly important and aim to educate children and members of our community in the safe use of the internet.

All children cover online safety as part of the curriculum and we regularly discuss the dangers of the internet. Please click here for more information about our online safety curriculum.

Parental Guidance & Support

Internet Matters - Online Tips for Parents of Primary Aged Children

Jargon Buster

NSPCC Online Safety

Parental Control Booklet

Think You Know

UK Safer Internet

Social Media Guidance

A Parent's Guide to Instagram

A Parent's Guide to Snap ChatA Parent's Guide to TikTok

A Parent's Guide to X

A Parent's Guide to Facebook

A Parent's Guide to BeReal

A Parent's Guide to Group Chats 

 Reporting Concerns Online - CEOP

The NCA's CEOP Command is there to help children and young people up to the age of 18. They help children and young people who feel they have been forced or tricked into taking part in activity with anyone online, or in the real world, which makes them feel uncomfortable. They also provide advice and guidance regarding cyberbullying and hacking. Please click on the icon to visit the CEOP website for further information.


If you have any worries or issues or would like further advice, please click here to arrange an appointment with a member of staff.