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Christ Church CE Primary School

'With God,
all things are possible' (Matthew 19:26)

The ROAR Response

The ROAR response to mental health in schools is an initiative developed by Merseyside Youth Association’s RAISE team. It is a first-line response aimed at equipping teachers and staff with the tools to provide early intervention and support to children experiencing mental distress by:

  • Recognising the signs and symptoms
  • Asking Open questions
  • Accessing support, services and self care
  • Building Resilience


 The ROAR Rainbow

We all have mental health, and there are things that happen to us every day that have either a positive or negative effect on how we are feeling. The ROAR rainbow scale is used to gauge where children are at key points in the day. This gives us an indicator of how ready our children are to engage in learning and to recognise how they are feeling themselves. Using the ROAR rainbow scale allows us to monitor patterns and identify key themes which can then be addressed through specific and personalised ROAR interventions for our children.

 Resilient Ralph

Significant research carried out by Dr Angie Hart and Brighton University identified a range of ways in which our resilience can be built. These fall into five core categories which are: Basics; Belonging; Learning; Coping; Core Self. Resilient Ralph is used as a visual reminder to help our children remember to be resilient:

  • Green hat to remind us to keep calm and relax
  • T-shirt to remind us to be resilient.
  • Rubber band to remind us we all have a breaking point.
  • Springs to remind us that we can bounce back



Additional Information

For further information about our ROAR Response in school, please click on the links below:

Roar Response Website

ROAR Response for parents

Resilience Framework

Thriving and Surviving

Taking me Up or Bringing me Down


If you wish to discuss your child’s mental health, please speak to your child's class teacher or with Mrs Tweddle who is the trained Senior Mental Health Lead in school.